Name Your Game Expo is committed to providing a fun and safe environment to enjoy gaming in both casual and competitive formats. The following rules are merely guidelines to help ensure the safety of everyone in attendance. Violation of these rules, or compromising the safety of other attendees, will result in consequences, up to and  including removal from the event and potential legal action. While looking over these rules, please don’t forget the most important one: HAVE FUN!!

If at any point you feel unsafe at NYGExpo, or that any of the rules have been broken, we ask that you inform a member of our Safety Team or a member of NYGExpo staff immediately. Your safety is our primary concern, and if you feel that safety has been compromised, we will do everything in our power to rectify the issue. Issues of violence and harassment are addressed immediately.

Violence and Obscenities

Violence will not be tolerated at NYGExpo. We adhere to the firm conviction that every person is entitled to an expectation of health and safety and will take action to make that expectation a reality. Violating that expectation of safety through violence or threats of violence against another person or NYGExpo property is explicitly prohibited and will result in removal from the event and possible banning from future events.

NYGExpo is a family-friendly event with attendees of all ages coming to participate and enjoy the communities around their favorite games. As such, we ask that our attendees curb their use of obscenities and profanity. We realize that sometimes games can be frustrating, but please endeavor to not disrupt the experience of those around you.

Stealing or Illegal Activity

Stealing is a particularly damaging issue. Many of the attractions at our event are provided by private owners to share their favorite games with others and simply cannot be replaced. Please respect the property of others, and if it’s not yours, don’t take it. Theft will be dealt with as severely as possible, up to and including removal from the event, banning from future events and pressing charges for larceny.

Illegal activity is defined by local, state and federal laws. Police officers will be present at the event and our attendees will be expected to respect any and all laws while in attendance. Violations will result in consequences commensurate with the infraction, removal from the event, and banning from future events.


Competitors have worked hard to reach the skill level that they have and are competing for both prizes and bragging rights. Players found to be in violation of the rules of a game, or the spirit of competition, will be disqualified from whatever event they are involved, as well as future events, and may be removed from the premises. We strive to provide a fair environment for all competitors. If you feel that someone is cheating please inform the Tournament Organizer as soon as possible so that a judgement can be made.

Harassment and Discrimination

Any form of harassment or discrimination, whether based on gender identity/expression, race, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, or religion, will not be tolerated. This includes all forms of harassment and discrimination. Verbal, physical, psychological, and sexual. If you are caught or reported to have harassed/discriminate against anyone at the event and we determine that you did harass/discriminate against someone you will be removed from the event, and banned from future events.

COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT! Ask permission before you touch someone or take their photograph and accept their answer if they say “NO”. 
Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated at NYGExpo.

Be Polite. Be Respectful. Be Considerate

Weapons Policy

No functional weapons are allowed at NYGExpo. Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by safety.

Please do not hit, strike, swing at, or brandish props at other attendees. You may wield them when posing for photos.

General Conduct

Our free play areas are for everyone to enjoy. Please be respectful to your fellow attendees; Please be considerate of others and limit your play time at each station so that everyone can enjoy our attractions.